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The Castle of the Pico (in Italian Castello dei Pico) is a castle in the city center of Mirandola, in the province of Modena, Italy. Famous in Europe as a legendary impregnable fortress, it belonged to the House of Pico della Mirandola, who ruled over the city for four centuries (1311-1711) and who enriched it in the Renaissance period with important pieces of art.
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- 22
- 1480
- 816
- 1106
- 1303
- 705
- 1840
- 954
- 1638
- 1077
- 236
- 1003
- 1983
- 60
- 509
- 1940
- 1922
- 1662
- 301
- 1463
- 1951
- 900
- 1658
- 252
- 1119
- 834
- 611
- 1117
- 499
- 755
- 1484
- 1838
- 518
- 1919
- 1613
- 1616
- 438
- 505
- 1686
- 165
- 1294
- 185
- 586
- 335
- 624
- 1332
- 1953
- 1807
- 457
- 1608
- 1609
- 1482
- 789
- 1186
- 1858
- 1123
- 1823
- 565
- 1987
- 470
- 95
- 724
- 456
- 884
- 1594
- 399
- 485
- 65
- 447
- 894
- 1502
- 1418
- 1977
- 136
- 169
- 1767
- 314
- 1324
- 1629
- 1788
- 881
- 804
- 660
- 891
- 1147
- 2
- 1049
- 62